Click here to watch the instruction video for the Reflex Activity Level
How to use the kit with the resident:
Goal: To enable the resident to be more aware of themselves and their surroundings by engaging them in direct sensory stimulation
Introduce only one sensory object at a time
Have no more than one sensory object operating at once
If using the music playlist, consider that to be one stimulus
Try to stimulate all senses of vision, hearing, smell, touch and taste, but one at a time
Reduce background noise, ensure environment is quiet and there are no distractions
Help the resident to explore the objects by providing physical guidance
For example, place your hand over the resident’s hand to help them hold and touch the pine branches
Use your body language to establish a connection with the resident
For example, use eye contact, body posture, smile
Use one-word verbal instructions to guide the resident to touch and explore the objects. Use a warm and reassuring tone of voice, adapt volume as needed for better engagement. Repeat instructions as needed.
For example, “smell”, “look”, “listen”, “touch”, “taste”
Directly stimulate the target area (i.e. nose) by bringing the object towards the resident
For example, 1) Place a scented item such as the coffee beans directly under the resident’s nose and say, “smell” 2) Place a tactile object such as a pine cone in the palm of the hand and say, “touch” 3) Place visual stimuli such as a photograph in the resident’s direct line of sight and say, “look”
Maximum session time is 10 mins unless the resident can no longer concentrate
This session should be 1:1 only, group sessions are discouraged