Bethany News
Keep informed about news in our residences, past and upcoming events, changes to government policy and more.
Bethany Calgary Groundbreaking Ceremony Marks New Era of Care for Calgary Seniors
News 2024/10/24
Bethany Care Society is set to break ground on a new state-of-the-art care home in the Hounsfield Heights-Briar Hill neighbourhood, marking the beginning of a long-anticipated redevelopment project. Funded in part by a $114 million commitment from the Government of Alberta, the care home for seniors and adults with disabilities will feature 420 private continuing [...]

Bethany Partners to Establish Virtual Reality Training in Long-Term Care
News 2024/07/22
Bethany Care Society and Kaleidoscope XR have spearheaded the development of a pioneering social learning platform that will enhance healthcare education and training through immersive virtual reality (VR).
Caregiver VR is a simulation platform that includes virtual dementia experiences to better prepare healthcare professionals and students for work in the continuing care landscape.

Elevating Spiritual Care at Bethany
Uncategorized 2024/07/20
Elevating Spiritual Care at Bethany With funding support from the Government of Alberta, Bethany’s Advancing Spirituality in Palliative Care team has launched a learning initiative to reshape the perception of spirituality within continuing care. The Advancing Spirituality in Palliative Care Learning Program is bridging the gap between theory and practice. It reinforces the significance of [...]

Volunteers Creating Caring Communities
News 2024/07/18
Volunteers Creating Caring Communities At Bethany, volunteers hold a special place in the hearts of our residents, tenants, and employees. From exchanging stories, bringing pet visitors, and enjoying recreational pursuits to assisting with mealtimes and therapies, volunteers play a vital role in enhancing the resident and tenant experience. Over the past year, our Bethany Volunteer [...]

Bethany Calgary Welcomes Wildfire Evacuees
Uncategorized 2023/11/29
Bethany Calgary Welcomes Wildfire Evacuees On May 6, 2023, in a swift response to raging wildfires across the province, Alberta declared a state of emergency, leading to the evacuation orders and displacement of thousands. Among those affected were seniors, and many found refuge at Bethany Calgary, one of several care homes put on alert by [...]

CDC: A Complex and Unique Solution to Complex Dementia
Uncategorized 2023/11/10
Meet Bob Murdoch – or perhaps no introduction is needed. Bob “Mud” Murdoch may be known for hockey in your home. In his home though, he was also known for his love of the outdoors, fishing, and above all, his love for his family. But if you had asked Bob about his greatest accomplishment, he […]

Lewy Body and Alzheimer’s Disease
News 2023/11/10
In Canada, more than 600,000 people are living with dementia, and this number is projected to increase to one million by 2030 (Canadian Institutes of Health Research 2023). Dementia is not just a single condition. Instead, it is an overarching term that describes symptoms affecting brain function, from a loss of memory and coordination to […]

Seniors at Home Pilot Project Wrap Up
News 2023/07/27
Bethany Care Society (Bethany) is one of Western Canada’s largest not-for-profit providers of care, housing, and community services for seniors and persons with disabilities. But Bethany is more than just a landlord. Through an exciting research partnership with a large international organization, we tested the Seniors at Home virtual technology at three of our housing […]

Opening Minds Through Art
News 2023/06/21
Lori Deagnon, 81, is nearly blind, but once a week, when her brush hits the paper, she paints using the most vivid colours and her imagination, with help from a high school support volunteer. Deagnon is one of eight residents at Bethany Airdrie participating in the Opening Minds through Art Program (OMA). OMA is an […]

Mask Mandate Update
Uncategorized 2023/06/16
As of June 19, 2023, Bethany is rescinding the Continuous Masking policy to align with Alberta Health Services (AHS). This means that all employees, residents, families, volunteers, students, contracted care providers, and visitors will no longer be required to continuously wear masks at any of our Bethany sites. This decision was made after evaluating multiple […]